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At Samr Centre, we work hard to create and deliver high-level courses to help our community benefit and excel in different areas.


Arabic writing and comprehension course

Course Fee: £50

Ustadh Hamza

Every Saturday 

November 30th - 21st December

After Isha (7PM)

Course Content:

Rules regarding writing in Arabic

How letters are written on the top and bottom
Styles of calligraphy

How letters are written when forming words

Quran and Prayer Beads

Hifdh Intensive

£45 per month

Brothers: Ages 10 - 18

Sisters: Ages 8 - 18

Monday to Friday: 6:00am - 8 am

Sunday: 5pm - 6:30pm


Ability to read the Quran, fluently

Ability to recite with Tajweed

Strong commitment to attending classes, regularly 

Memorized 30th Juzz (preferred)


Islamic Scholarship Pathway

£25 per month

Brothers only

Every Saturday, 3-7pm

Starting 2nd November 2024​

View Course Page for Content


Ability to read the Quran, fluently

Strong commitment to attending classes, regularly 

Ability to attend on site 

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Sisters Islamic Studies

Weekday Class - £30

Monday to Wednesday​

10AM to 12PM

Weekend Class - £25

Every Saturday

10AM to 12PM

Urdu Class - £20

Every Thursday​

10AM to 12PM

View Course page for content Breakdown

Closed Prayer Book

Correct your Recitation - Brothers

Correct your Recitation and learn the rules of Tajweed

Every Sunday
6PM - 7PM

Islamic Book

Tajweed Course Sisters

Correct your Recitation

Every Saturday
10:30AM - 12PM

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