Madrassah - المدرسة
Our Vision for our Students
At our Madrassah, we envision a transformative educational experience for our students. Our great curriculum encompasses a comprehensive range of Islamic studies, including Arabic, Quran, and much more. Our aim is to nurture a deep understanding of various Islamic topics, providing our students with a solid foundation to navigate life's challenges with wisdom and faith. We are committed to empowering our students with knowledge and values necessary for every Muslim child.
Term Dates 2024/25
Autumn Term 2024
Monday 16th September - Friday 20th December
Spring Term 2025
Monday 6th January - Friday 4th April
Summer Term 2025
Monday 22nd April - Friday 25th July
For Full breakdown, including holiday information, click below

What we aim to cover with our students over the full 4 year program
A full breakdown of the course specification
Qa'idah: Efficiently learning how to read the Quran from the Arabic alphabet with correct Tajwid pronunciation.
Quran: Memorization (Hifdh) and revision (Maraji'ah), recitation by looking at the Quran, and implementation of Tajwid rules (Tatbeeq).
Arabic Language: Practicing handwriting, reading, listening, and conversing in Arabic.
Tajwid: Identifying, understanding, and correctly applying the rules of Tajwid in Quranic recitation.
Aqeedah (Creed): Understanding the correct creed, Tawhid, and beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama'ah derived from the Quran, Authentic Sunnah, and the understanding of the righteous predecessors, including the Sahabah and the four Imams.
Fiqh al Ibaadah (Islamic rules regarding worship): Implementing rules related to purification, Salah, Janazah (Funerals), Zakah, fasting (siyaam), and Hajj & Umrah (Pilgrimage).
Fiqh al Mu'aamalah (Islamic rules regarding transactions): Understanding and implementing correct rules in business transactions, marriage, divorce, Ijaarah (leasing under Islamic commerce), Meerath (inheritance), and Islamic criminal law.
Tafseer: Exploring the meanings and interpretations of selected chapters and verses from the Glorious Quran.
Ahadeeth: Learning, understanding, and memorizing short powerful statements of the messenger of Allah ﷺ.
Dua and Adhkaar: Memorizing invocations for everyday use and specific actions of worship.
Seerah: Delving into the life and biography of the messenger of Allah ﷺ, including the expeditions (Gazawaat) he took part in.
Seerah of the Khulafaa Ar-Rashidun: Studying the biographies of the four rightly guided caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali ra).
Seerah of (Some) Ahlul Bayt and Sahabah: Learning about selected members of the Prophet’s ﷺ household, including his wives, daughters, grandchildren, and some of his companions.
Tarajum al Anbiyaa’: Exploring the lives and stories of the Prophets of Allah.
Tareekh al Islamiyyah: Learning about the history of Islamic kingdoms and empires.
Akhlaaq and Aadab: Understanding and implementing correct Islamic manners and etiquettes.
Tazkiyatun Nafs: Learning how to purify one's heart, dealing with diseases of the heart, and avoiding major sins.
Each topic is studied at different levels depending on the age and year group of the student.
Qa'idah: Efficiently learning how to read the Quran from the Arabic alphabet with correct Tajwid pronunciation.
Quran: Memorization (Hifdh) and revision (Maraji'ah), recitation by looking at the Quran, and implementation of Tajwid rules (Tatbeeq).
Arabic Language: Practicing handwriting, reading, listening, and conversing in Arabic.
Tajwid: Identifying, understanding, and correctly applying the rules of Tajwid in Quranic recitation.
Aqeedah (Creed): Understanding the correct creed, Tawhid, and beliefs of Ahlus-Sunnah wal Jama'ah derived from the Quran, Authentic Sunnah, and the understanding of the righteous predecessors, including the Sahabah and the four Imams.
Fiqh al Ibaadah (Islamic rules regarding worship): Implementing rules related to purification, Salah, Janazah (Funerals), Zakah, fasting (siyaam), and Hajj & Umrah (Pilgrimage).
Fiqh al Mu'aamalah (Islamic rules regarding transactions): Understanding and implementing correct rules in business transactions, marriage, divorce, Ijaarah (leasing under Islamic commerce), Meerath (inheritance), and Islamic criminal law.
Tafseer: Exploring the meanings and interpretations of selected chapters and verses from the Glorious Quran.
Ahadeeth: Learning, understanding, and memorizing short powerful statements of the messenger of Allah ﷺ.
Dua and Adhkaar: Memorizing invocations for everyday use and specific actions of worship.
Seerah: Delving into the life and biography of the messenger of Allah ﷺ, including the expeditions (Gazawaat) he took part in.
Seerah of the Khulafaa Ar-Rashidun: Studying the biographies of the four rightly guided caliphs (Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, and Ali ra).
Seerah of (Some) Ahlul Bayt and Sahabah: Learning about selected members of the Prophet’s ﷺ household, including his wives, daughters, grandchildren, and some of his companions.
Tarajum al Anbiyaa’: Exploring the lives and stories of the Prophets of Allah.
Tareekh al Islamiyyah: Learning about the history of Islamic kingdoms and empires.
Akhlaaq and Aadab: Understanding and implementing correct Islamic manners and etiquettes.
Tazkiyatun Nafs: Learning how to purify one's heart, dealing with diseases of the heart, and avoiding major sins.