Hajj 2024
Welcome to our dedicated page to the season of Hajj 2024!
Umrah step by step
This year we held our first seminar regarding the details of Umrah.
Download the pdf that was used in this seminar and increase your understanding of this pillar in Islam
The Day of Arafah 2023
The Day of Arafah holds immense significance in the Islamic calendar. It is the ninth day of the month of Dhul-Hijjah, which marks the culmination of the annual Hajj pilgrimage. On this blessed day, pilgrims gather on the plains of Arafah, seeking forgiveness, supplicating to Allah, and engaging in worship.
Read the article written by our Imaam last year
Hajj step by step
This year we held our first seminar regarding the details of Hajj.
Download the pdf that was used in this seminar and increase your understanding of this pillar in Islam
Donate your Qurbani to SAMR TRUST
A guide to make the most of the best ten days of the year
Article and video coming soon